Welcome to Xenforo Addon Update Notifier
This addon and site was built to help Xenforo Forums Admins manage their addons, as well as help the addon developers understand the XF addon versioning.
We currently have 2163 known add-ons in our database and it is growing every day.
There are 486 forums currently using this add-on to keep up to date with the latest versions.
Get the addon
The XF addon Update Notifier add-on gives you alerts directly when there are new versions available.
Download the addonThe Best addons
Since we know what add-ons are in use on forums, we also know which ones are used the most.
The best addonsAdd-on developers
The XF add-on developer UX is not the best, so we've tried to summarize some usefult things.
See how XF addon versioning really works